I have a question for all you judges out there! How does one judge miniature Paph's? I am trying to breed for smaller compact Paph's (teacup Paph's) that are mature in a 2" to 3" pot. I have a feeling these will never be pulled for judging, because until now the main characteristic judges look for is "size" of the flower and by that, the larger the flower is, the more points it gets, but how does that work for "miniatures"? I am trying to breed flowers that are small on purpose, but still have great shape and color. Do you think there should be a separate category for teacup Paphiopdilums in the Judging system, and a flower also gets judged by it's size, but the smaller the flower, the more points it gets?
As an example here is one of my Teacup Complex Paph's that I took to a show once. It is grown in a 2" pot!
As an example here is one of my Teacup Complex Paph's that I took to a show once. It is grown in a 2" pot!
