It is incomprehensible that orchids will grow better with fertilizer amounts like 10ppmN when they can tolerate more. Every other plant I've ever grown has done better with more fertilizer - UP TO A POINT. Grow any two plants next to each other. Give one 10ppmM and the other the max amount recommended for it and let us which grows better.
The amount of fertilizer that should be applied is the amount the orchids can take without hurting them in order to produce nice strong green growth.
I agree with this. And I have also found the same my Catts, Phals, Oncidium Dendrobiums etc.
In fact ALL the strong growing orchids are doing best with an EC of between 0.8 and 1. ( every 3rd watering) I do strongly believe however that the Nitrate to ammonium ratio makes a big difference also. 75/25 roughly is best for me.
As an example, I have an Oncidium maculatum in spike now. With this heavier feeding (EC 0.9) over summer, the p/bulbs are massive compared to last year and the flower spikes are thicker and look like they will get to twice the length compared to previous years. (I have stoped feeding now but they are still growing from the huge reserve!)
The paphs are getting fed more often but at a much lower rate and in a different way but still look pretty good. However as I have previously mentioned, a friend of mine feeds his Paphs at double the recommended rate. (I don't know what the EC is or how often but I will find out - it must be high though) and his plants are doing fanastically well and they always seem to be in flower!
So, are you feeding your Paphs at the same EC and frequency as the Catts etc?