I believe the only way we'll ever see an end to this discussion is when a large-scale, controlled study is done.
"My stuff just keeps getting bigger and better.", "Mine are getting bigger and better too", and my own comments about how well my plants are doing are relatively meaningless - about as good as "I feed at half strength".
I may add, some thorough explanations on the water used and its qualities may help too. The focus on the fert isn't the whole picture, just like we can't quantize the skill of the growers (save when it's people known for years and years with plants flowering and florishing…)
It'd help focus on the similar uses and avoid the tragic errors, like the person the other year who had a massive cultural issue and was reducing it to K-lite and it wasn't the problem firsthand. I'm not saying it'll clear all querels but at least we can harmonize a little common ground. :evil: