Long blooming Pinnochio

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Constanly blooming since Dec 2002. Only replanted once.
Standing in a north window where an heta pump is blowing warm air now and then. Seems happy. Shooting new growths often and a new spike now and then.

Will replant later this spring.


Those spikes are vines!!

This has got to be one of the longest blooming hybrids out there.

Your particular clone seems to have a bit more glaucophylum influence to it.:clap::clap:
Must be a world record. Everything you do and give must have been absolutely perfect for the past 5 years heading for the completion of the sixth. Very, very nice.
Thanks all:)

Eric I grow it as most paphs in a mixture of:

Approxiamate figures.

Medium bark 30% /dried coarse spaghnum 30%/pelite 10 %/coconut fibres 20%/diatomite 10%.

I water it spring to autumn about every 4-6 day and in winter every 8-10 day. I would say as moist as most other paphs. Not constanly wet and it never dries out.

I feed it only with high nitrogen fertilizer and ads Mg and Ca
Your plant might be up for a CCM award (by AOS) I don't recall ever seeing cochlopetalum with that many flowers on it.
magnificent; straight out of Jurassic Park. It looks like a plant from the past or maybe the future. Bernhard
This is a showy fine specimen - no doubt !!!!
The curious thing seems to me - it flowers over a extraordinary long term grows simultaneously new growths and gets even bigger and stronger - that's really exceptionally to most other Paphs that get weakened by flowering.
Best regards from Germany; GuRu

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