thanks for your invaluable information. A few comments to make which will all make sense I hope. I am just in the throws of completing a newly built greenhouse from brick, double glazing and a 35 mm polycarbonate roof. This is more like a conservatory than a greenhouse, but it will be very well insulated. It will have all the necessary fans, including extractors, foggers etc, and will be ready in a few weeks. However, most of my plants have been in the house, where the light is limited, humidity about 40-50%, no air movement etc but I am still getting good growth. I have thought for a while now that all my plants need these 3 considerably more and this is going to give it to them. Along with the feed I intend to give them, as discussed including foliar feeding and a few adjustments, like added bonemeal, I feel they are just going to take off! It is now all coming together after months of researching and deciding the way forward. I know there are no gurantees, but is getting exciting just trying to find out. A quick further couple of questions.
1. The feed & MgS04 you mix. Do you water the pot and foliar with the same mix? Is the foliar a mist or do you soak the leaves. My biggest fear is the crown being full of solution.
2. Once a plant spikes, do you stop foliar feeding until the stem is above the axis, so as not to damage the flower, ie wet it.
3. As for the multigrowth plants, would you not exceed my intention of feeding the MSU at 125 PPM Nitrogen, or would you go higher, say in summer.
Thanks again