Chico (..... the clown)
Thanks all for the info and concern. I will try as much of this as is feasible and update as things change (for the better or worse)
Might Cleary's 3336 be effective against Erwinia?
Interested in the Aspirin method of preventing and stopping rot? Read this thread. http://
Although, I'm not now as much exclusively an ASA user (I started dusting with Cinnamon or Sulfer again and I've started using No-Damp first, then following with the ASA spray the next day), I still consider the ASA a major component in my arsenal against rots.
I thought I had enough baskets to last me a lifetime (obviously not, unless I die today, then that original estimate will still hold true)
Do plants have immune systems?
If it is the result of produced hormones then someone needs to discover the hormone compound!
I know we are talking about Erwinia, but it's interesting that this nature review paper talks that one species of Pseudomonas (not sure if it is the same species for orchids) produces jasmonic acid mimic (which suppress salycilic acid based defense system). So for this, it sounds like aspirin "could" help.
John, are you using 500mg/l of aspirin (as indicated in the older thread)? I didn't know what would be the good concentration, so I followed someone who said 325mg/gallon (in the US, a tablet is 325mg), which is about 1/6 of yours.
I began using extra strength Aspirin (500 mg). Then, I learned that I was using it at a rate much higher than recommended. But, I liked the results that I saw; so, I compromised and lowered the concentration a bit and began using the regular strength, 325 mg tablets. I believe that this is still higher than required; but, it seems to work well for me. So, I haven't tried it at an even lower concentration.
It also seems to be beneficial for deflasking, too. I've deflasked only 3 times, so I don't have much experience. But the last time (this summer), I just used ASA without any other fungicide. I spray seedlings with the Aspirin water as a preventative and then, later, if I see any rot, I'll do it again.
but the plants can communicate with neighbors to tell them to turn on their immune systems--
The plant immune system is still a bit of a mystery. SA is a very common anti bacterial (and anti-viral) compound produced by plants but there are many other compounds, such as tannins and phytoalexins, which plants produce to prevent invasion of their tissues. Not only is there a hormonal system in the plant that alerts all tissues to invasion but the plants can communicate with neighbors to tell them to turn on their immune systems--perhaps this is why compots are so effective for orchids, one gets hit and the others are forewarned?
Trithor inspect each plant very carefully and make sure you keep the infected plants away from the others.