My newest Fuukiran

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Madd Virologist
Sep 16, 2007
Reaction score
Pearland TX
Picked this little fellow up from the society's guest speaker, Kristen Uthus of New World Orchids.

The tag says, "Seikai" Can someone explain Seikai?




Seikai means blue ocean.

It is a miniature variety with curvy leaves and mutated light pink flowers.
I'm pretty sure that the name refers to the shape and the color ( dark green) leaves.
Think Japanese paintings of the ocean. You can easily relate the shape of the wave to the shape of seikai leaves.

This one grows extra slowly from what I hear, but I find neos in general are quite slow.
This variety is very sensitive to getting water in and around the flower stem from very early on in its development. Marvelous variety! Grows as slow as molasses in winter!
Nice! It is a very old registered variety from Edo Era (it was mentioned in a document from 1855). The original name was Seigaiha (blue ocean wave). Tsuke (at the base of the leaf) is also unique (mountain).
Yes, fragrant as the normal form.
So I paid 80 bucks for it, is that a good price or was I a newbie suckered?

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That is a reasonable price for Seikai. It is an old classic Furan and retains its popularity because you have to have this plant in your collection. At least for anyone who is into collecting the different forms of Furan. I have a couple editions of this plant. As others have remarked, it does grow slowly. It rarely flowers--you are fortunate you have seen its flowers.
That is lower than market price if it is from the original division, and vendors can charge slightly more when in bloom, so you got a good deal.
It rarely flowers--you are fortunate you have seen its flowers.

Once it has grown into a larger specimen, it will bloom most years. Glenn Lehr, former owner of NWO, had several multi-growth Seikai plants, and they bloomed like clockwork each year.
Is that one of the ones with the double-nectary? (is that what that long tube is)? Nice flower! I have started becoming interested in those Japanese orchids recently.
Is that one of the ones with the double-nectary? (is that what that long tube is)? Nice flower! I have started becoming interested in those Japanese orchids recently.

If you are looking for a Neofinetia with two nectaries or spurs, consider Soubiryu 双尾龍. This plant has two lips and two spurs. An expensive but very popular Neo is Manjushage 曼珠沙華, it has three spurs.

Soubiryu 双尾龍

Manjushage 曼珠沙華