Neem Oil

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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
Reaction score
Victoria Australia
I've been having a pow wow on another forum about the effectiveness of neem oil. I say its not much good
not much good actually... :D

you can use it occasionnaly, it makes the same "greening up" effect as kelp extract, but it can have bad sides effects (deposit on the leaves). So I prefer the kelp extract!
slighlty phytotoxic too (on long term, decolorations)
In my experience the Neem oil products are poorly formulated emulsions which clogged my sprayers and were a marginally effective contact insecticide.
For mealies I drenched every plant in the greenhouse with Talus twice at a 1 month interval at the concentration of 1 tsp/gallon. No mealies even after 1 year!!
I think the neem extract, I think its called used with Dr. Bonners liquid soap works on just about any insects. The problem with pure neem oil is that it too thick and leaves a nasty residue. Used with soap it works great.
There is part of the oil, azidaractin (sp) that is supposed to be an insect growth regulator, and the whole is supposed to help encourage some bugs to not chew on the leaf, and another part that may be slightly anti fungal. Like with any organically sourced material, how it's treated and/or stored can protect or negate these effects (the right chemicals break down)

Azidaractin is the main ingredient in some greenhouse igr's, (insect growth regulators) and those pesticides work well.

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Neem oil,triple action! whatever that means,it just didn't work ridding mites in my greenhouse.

Bought horticultural oil and had AzaMax ( Azadirachtin extracted from neem oil) on hand,mixed those 2 and used it once a week,so far so good as long as it is done in the middle of the night :sob: with a flashlight on hand since everything is kicked out after mighty mite infestation. 4 weeks is now gone and some plants suffered due to mites eradication program but the good news,new growths are appearing along with new roots.
In my situation Azamax has been effective with mites but not very effective with mealies. I use Malathion or Bayer rose and flower for mealies.
My guess is smothering. What do you use for mealy bugs etc, Mike?

Confidor and malathion. Luckily I don't get many. What is diappointing is the the constant dumbing down of Chems so its getting harder and harder to get things that work. Of course all this chemical phobia pushed by shows like Gardening Australia and others. They like to promote ridiculous things like garlic spray and chilli spray. Obviously they have never grown orchids in a greenhouse!
This year I had a terrible infestation of boiduval scale. Really hard to control.
I went thru every single orchid in the glasshouse and prayed every square mm of each with oil/malathion. But if you miss just a couple of females you're back to square one.
I need to get Supracide from somewhere! Something that rips your face off:evil:
I've never found neem to be effective. The straight oil may work, but it's thick and it stinks, and is no better than sunspray oil, which is great on scales.
Confidor and malathion. Luckily I don't get many. What is diappointing is the the constant dumbing down of Chems so its getting harder and harder to get things that work. Of course all this chemical phobia pushed by shows like Gardening Australia and others. They like to promote ridiculous things like garlic spray and chilli spray. Obviously they have never grown orchids in a greenhouse!
This year I had a terrible infestation of boiduval scale. Really hard to control.
I went thru every single orchid in the glasshouse and prayed every square mm of each with oil/malathion. But if you miss just a couple of females you're back to square one.
I need to get Supracide from somewhere! Something that rips your face off:evil:

get some crown from garden city plastics, cleans up mealies & scale very quickly.

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