They may have the same clonal name, but the flowers have distinctly different lips. All the photos I found of this clone online have a lip just like mine, so that means you have the most rare Golden Girl of all.
I just looked at my picture more closely...mine does have the cut but the distal end of the labellum is broader and comes up and fills in where the waist is.
Here's another one. This is Alicera Maury Island Fantasy. Its been a bit more troublesome than most of my other intergenerics, but I like the huge lip. The flowers remind me of Jamaican Ladies with outstretched arms and flaring vivid skirts.
1) It hoards mealy bugs and scale
2) It's kind of slow growing no matter where I put it in the GH
3) The blooming is more sequential than multi and the first few blooms on a spike are often messed up.
4) The blooms aren't very long lasting compared to most other intergenerics I have.
Maybe in general I've been keeping it too warm and bright?
I'm going to keep my eye out for that one. I have wanted a yellow one and that is one I really like. I have debated over a couple other yellow ones but I have not seen one I like as much as 'Eric's Parade'.