I spoke to Michel via e-mail recently. He's very happy and doing fine. He lurks here now and then. I'll let him decide if he wants to post any more details.
I went to the show, left 12:30AM from NYC for 7:30 breakfast. Did judging, worked on award (counting blooms and buds) for a 91 point CCE Maxillariella variegatum. Met up with JP Faust, Michel (Shiva), Denis (Phragmatic), Marie, Raymond, saw Lise for a second; and left snowy Montreal and came home Sunday. I took photos but work protocols are blocking me on Photobucket. I will post them asap. BTW had local meal, mussels and fries for dinner. What an abomination to do to delicious mussels!
JohnM is right: I still visit the forum from time to time, though I'm down to about 10 orchids (from 350). The last year has been very busy for me and I now live in Montreal.
Since my wife doesn't want a lot of plants inside, I'm considering growing cyps outside.
I'll get more active eventually when I have some pics to show.
Yes! Then the plants won't be inside to annoy the wife
Glad to see you around! Orchids do bring happiness, but they can also get in its way. I'm currently in the process of a small downsize so I can accommodate other avenues of life.