are they blooming yet?
No, They are still tiny.
are they blooming yet?
Now that is a good flask and a good species. I have a fs plant: very hard to keep alive, hard to establish. The most difficult plant in my collection, much harder than adductum. For almost one year it didn't grow, it only developed one or two new leafs on the new growth...
Very nice tiny baby anitum, look healthy, can I ask you which substrate are you using to grow them?
Thank you and good luck
my mature anitum is in a mix with 50% bark 50% sphaghum moss. The moss helps the roots stay moist...I usually grow it in the shade of my bigger multi's under a 250W MH. Lately I've moved it a little brighter since it looks ready to bud soon.
My seedlings are in a fine bark mix, and are in very deep shade where they have been taking off (relatively speakng). I'm actually going to move them back under the lights soon (10" below 4x4" shoplights) and see how they do.
All these plants get the same fert as my other multis (50% RO/tapwater with a little under 1/2 tsp low-K fertilizer), at about pH of 7. I need to measure the run-off but it is probably pH 6.5.