Paph anitum flask

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I agree about the HS flasks, they do not travel well at all. I got some (including anitum) from Formosa orchids, who are really just a trader for HS, and they arrived in a shocking state. Broken leaves on each and every one, in fact almost no leaves intact. Subsequent progress has been very poor, only a few remain.

I think one answer may be to buy flasks more locally if at all possible, long distance travel is just no good for flasks.

I did buy flask from HS once before, it was Paph hangianum, through Crystal Star, and I was happy with it. Agar intact, plants are good size, nice roots. But I find parvis in general come out of flask sturdier and stronger than multis.
It is best to pick them up from the show as you can inspect it! Don't be afraid to turn down the flask if it looks horrible.

What would horrible flask look like? Besides jumbled agar what are other indicators of bad flask?
I have had loads of flasks from various sources, and yes, those from HS have a very soft agar. Mostly , I have had good results even though they arrive in a jumbled state. The variation is big though. Experiences with CH are limited but good, from others...from good to terrible. Depends very much on whether or not they have been mailed or not. Best results may have been on those picked up at shows, but here my experience is limted - unfortunately.
Interestingly, also season seems to play a role. Spring arrivals seems better than fall arrivals. Just marginal and gut feeling, but still.
I got a flask in 2012 as well..... Can confirm how slow they are:sob: but I have half a dozen left:D size, perhaps 1-2inch LS at most:sob: guess I'll have to wait another 20years, what a gift for my 75years aniversary!:viking:
PS: just started a flask of adductum:evil:

Bjorn, how many leaves do they make per year on average? I have one (well, there was only 1 per flask), but it has made only 1.5 leaves in one year! LS was 1" from the beginning, and it hasn't changed. I'm pretty sure that I'll eventually lose it at this rate of growth... Your seedlings grow fast in general, so I just wondered how "quickly" this can grow under your care.
Bjorn, how many leaves do they make per year on average? I have one (well, there was only 1 per flask), but it has made only 1.5 leaves in one year! LS was 1" from the beginning, and it hasn't changed. I'm pretty sure that I'll eventually lose it at this rate of growth... Your seedlings grow fast in general, so I just wondered how "quickly" this can grow under your care.

You are up to standards Naoki, my guesstimate would be around 1 leaf per year. Might be a bit less or more but, who cares, better just forget and watch every four months. Absolutely nothing for the impatient:D
Wow, that's crazy... It's kind of scary, and a small mistake can set them back a lot. Thanks for the info!

That's actually an understatement... Sadly. It's more like one mistake and they are dead. Especially on that size.
Did any of these anitum survive eggshells?
The flask I got a while back has not done very well. I think my biggest problem was listening to all the advice about keeping them wet. Big mistake! I lost a few but managed to save most of them even though they lost a couple of leaves and most of the roots. (some are down to one leaf) I think the reason I saved them was letting them dry out before watering. I got rid of all the moss in the mix and just used perlite, bark and charcoal and waited till the top of the mix was crispy dry before watering. (there is still a bit of moisture down low) They responded by finally putting out new roots. Keeping them wet did not work for me at all!
Interesting, i keep mine wet, but then they do not grow either:evil:BUT I have had them in this nongrowing state for several years, so :confused: once in a while I believe to see some action but then.......
They are dead. The ones that was left 2-3 plants? Didn't do anything in months. No root, no leaves so I just chucked them. Waste of space. They easily rot with no apparent reason. That's why I advised people to not waste money on the anitum flask. Seedlings are much better.
Sorry to hear, diffiult species thats right but so they said about randsii and I have figured out that one....its the challenge I guess :p