WolfDog1 (C. Williams)
Well-Known Member
LOL @ Eric.
Nice plant!
Nice plant!
Lovely barbigerum album and I'm convinced you purchased it as a bargain much cheaper than the price of a barbigerum album. If you had asked for that.This is a first bloom seedling. I was surprised to see it bloom out to be an alba variety of the species. I never knew an alba variety existed....
is there really any difference between barbigerum album and coccineum album? I can't understand how they've been described as different species, but then again I;m more of a lumper anyways.
Paphio, do you know who has the purpuratum? Are they planning on releasing any offspring?
Thanks - what about the mastersianum album floating around awhile ago? anyone hear anything about it? what about emersonii alba?
Not to mention coccineum album, there are 2 different ones, including one with red leaf base and pure gold yellow flower, and a yellow and white flower on a much smaller plant. Looking at the leaves, you have the real barbigerum album, not the coccineum stuff...
I'd like someone to send me some unidentified album species!
sanderianum and I,were writing the post at same time I think...and I can see that the infos around are quite similar...so nearly all infos have to be true....
Wow Sanderianum...I will be astonished to see gigantifolium and sangii alba!!!
mastersianum and volonteanum alba...plants died before propagation...also an incredile plant of parishii alba was sold and died in the customer collection...
stoneii alba still a mistery...exists but is already long time that seedlings are around but no outcome untill now...
SAM have an"almost there" selfing for sell that produced quite pale seedlings....hope in albino outcome but maybe 0%albinos...
also i heard of bouganvillieanum alba(maybe false...in my opinion was saskianum)
I see always some orchids shows around...but the best in my opinion still michrantunm that still very difficult to find even if there are quite a lot of mother plants around...
and also someone said ma about anitum alba(quite important source)...
exul alba(recent photos ..hope they reproduce)...
xfanaticums alba will be available from taiwan...tigrinum alba...some in taiwan baut not heard of seedlings availabe...
annamense alba is around...
Sandie -
can you share which nursery is propagating henryanum album? what's your opinion of v. chaoi?
Do you think the volunteanum alba selfings are legitimate? Seems very unlikely selfings of a recessive would produce coloratums...
Nice to see in US dianthum, haynaldianum, lowii, callosum, tonsum, malipoense, micranthum, armeniacum, brachys, and many other albas, all propagated from 1 or 2 original plants. See CITES people, artificial propagation can actually work!!
Beautiful color and form. Is it from one of Ross' (aureum x coloratum) sibs?
WOW, nice cross Ross!Hi Tom - yes it's one of Ross' sibs.
Vietnamense album: There are three original clones. The first one was used to make the seedling. The plant is in Germany/Taiwan. A second one is in Japan/Switzerland. The third one was mentionned by sanderianum. Was in Saigon two years ago, but now in the orchid paradies. The division are very expensive.
Henryanum album, I know two differents original clones.
Helenae album: not very rare, several original clones
Godefroyae album is more rare than the other brachy album. For me the best one have a green staminode and a ivoiry color.