Paph Deena Nicol

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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2006
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North East Tennessee, Z6 , Sunroom, flourecent lig
I aquired this today at our society Christmas Party. Nice plant with 3 mature growths(none bloomed). This came from a grower in FL. Could it have been kept to warm to bloom ? I seached the web and didn't find but one picture..not good !
Is she gonna be a problem to bloom ? Any info will be appreciated ! TIA !
Deena Nicol is a great plant. Nice dark and usually large flowers for the size of the plant. I really like seeing it in bloom. In fact, we awarded one a CCM this past year or so at the Northeast Judging center.

They aren't any harder or easier to bloom than other multi paphs. Cold snaps do help in the fall though.

I am jealous. This plant is not very common for sale lately. In fact, I don't even know any major breeder/orchid house that has this cross listed on their catalogue. Wish I could get such nice plants from my society.

Thanks for the info Christian ! Our society has a membership drive at our Dec./Christmas party . If you renew your membership, you are in a drawing for a table full of plants. some bloomed, budded, etc. This was one of the plants and being unbloomed/budded it was not chosen before my turn ! Everyone was going for the big oncid x's or min catts in bloom.

This plant has a tag (looks fairly new) , maybe you can find one there;
Gator Gardens
Miami, Fl
(305) 247-7686
Gilda, if you google, PAPHIO-in-OKINAWA then click on translate page, then click on the Flowering information you can scroll down to a P.Deena Nichol, plus a lot of other good Paphs as well.
Thanks to all !! My tag says Deena Nicol ,philippense x praestans .

It was potted in straight small alifor , with styro peanuts on the bottom ?? It had great roots, and it naturally divided into 2 . Each div. having a mature blooming size and a new growth. So if ,come Spring they both are doing well ,I will have a div. to trade/sell !:)
Gilda, I did some checking and many growers here say that Deena Nicol is one of the hardest Paphs to flower but no-one knows why, The thought is the flowering time difference between the parents. I hope yours is different.
Gilda, I did some checking and many growers here say that Deena Nicol is one of the hardest Paphs to flower but no-one knows why, The thought is the flowering time difference between the parents. I hope yours is different.

Roy, I am not surprised at this news....when you don't find lots of pics or info on the internet, it's a good indicator of a difficult plant to grow and or bloom. Just what I need another foliage plant !:sob: