Paph Guessing Game No... errrr 562?

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it's a miserable windy day outside so i brought this plant in...

it's not fully opened so here's a couple of clues

1. it's a Paph.

2. it's multifloral.

3. it's a primary.


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Clue #3 is the only good clue ( the first two I didn't need help). New clue please! Does one of the parents name start with a "R"?
Although my PEoY is not this far along, it doesn't look like it.
Right now I'm leaning towards William Ambler or St.Swithin too, but it's hard to tell plant size & to me it's a bit small for either. ????
We do need another hint or a progessive photo!
I'm guessing no one got it yet?

I'll refine my guessing then...what I see:
white ovaries, spotty-ness of the petals, "still growing" look of the petals, and the "floppy" look and color of the plant all say sanderianum to me.

I agree the color is pretty dark, so if it's not roth, then I'd have to say either wilhelminae or adductum/anitum. Flower count would follow these species too, but had to rule that out since it looks to be a first time bloomer.

Source of the plant would be a good hint too :poke:
Paph PEOY!

Congratulations Jon!!! you have guessed it correctly.

here's a non-glamour shot of an updated pic... didn't want to keep disturbing it till it's all fully open... if it does fully open... anyone have suggestion on getting the dorsal upright? Also, I'm not seeing very long petals either :( or will it keep growing?

Paph roth 'Radical' x sanderianum 'Daddy Long Legs'


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