Wonderful! I just ordered one from Glen Decker, and bought one from Tom Perlite that is named 'Rodco' since it had been Rod MacLellan's plant. I'll try to get a pic of it up soon. I want more of these!
Lovely! I'm liking the smaller clumping multi's. I have a wilhelm spiking right now and it's been torturing me - fat down in the sheath but slow to lengthen, buds were getting huge and looked like it was going to open up smashed up in the leaves, and then Bam, grew 2 inches overnight and stopped looking so flopped over (ok, maybe a night and a full day, but still ) and now looks like it'll be a little closer to the spike length I expected!
Thanks again all. I must report; the third bud got the point of slitting open when in whither and fell
Interesting enough, this blooming growth is only half the size of two larger growths. So, maybe when they're really I'll get three!