It is almost a tradition to question cochlopetalums on the forum. Sadly the truth is that they have been extensively interbred over the years (possibly significant interbreeding has occurred in nature to further complicate the situation). There are some features of each species which seem to distinguish them from each other and conversely hint at interbreeding as well. One of the only ways to be sure of a true species is if there is indisputable provenance. This although it is a beauty, shows a number of features which bring the label into question, so although it is labeled as primulinum, there is an unfortunate strong chance that it is a hybrid, with Avalon Mist being a good possibility.
(Believe me, nobody is laughing at you, I don't even post my cochlos unless they are one of the clones of which I am sure of their provenance, even then a debate as to wether they are true species is sure to occure)