Madd Virologist
Great purchase Marc!
Eric, that solution you need to depend on someone and it will take time, it could be the rest of your life you won't see it ... what you can do now, you should pack it up and move to Vietnam,
Eric, Dot,Were it only that easy!
"last but not least, girls are cheap"
It is a sad commentary that women are listed as just another commodity.
I'm pretty new to the forum and I don't know if it's normal that threads get derailed on a regular basis here. But would you please continue the Vietnam discussion in a more apropriate forum section?
Wow!!:drool: Awesome flowers and picture!!:clap::drool: So, you grow this on a windowsill?? What temps and how much light?
On the photography side, can you tell us what equipment/settings you used for this? What background did you use, and how far away were you?
Holy Smoke! What a beauty! Thanks Marc.