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Wanted Paphiopedilum philippinense compactum

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Thanks—it’s funny you posted this as I’ve spent the last few days setting up an order with Jason at OL and it includes this Paph!
Haha, I had a reminder for its restock set, leftover from when I was searching for a compact philippinense before I found one on ebay, and got an email today! I had just seen your post so it worked out. That's funny.
It looks like Jason might also have one of the truly miniature philippinenses, with a leafspan under 12” as in the picture below with Norman Fang (but not album as in pic). How cute are these really little guys!

Paph. Paradise use to have the coloratum var. compactum available. This is where I bought my plant. You might try contacting Dave. Sometimes, he has a few plants that he can sell, but, to few to list on his site. He still lists the alba form available on his site, called philippinense var laevigatum album.
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