Yeah, I was reading a little about it and the locals have been using it on wounds as it dries and seals. Known as natural red bandage it says.
It's my first aid kit in a bottle! It stops bleeding very fast.
Yeah, I was reading a little about it and the locals have been using it on wounds as it dries and seals. Known as natural red bandage it says.
Good for you!
Do they sell it in a bottle there and used commonly today??
Now, the quick drying property part makes me wonder if it will penetrate inside the plant ( or animal and whatever else) tissues before drying out on the surface?
I also read that its mutagenicity is under study for possible cancer treatment, but it can work for negative ways.
Definitely an interesting stuff!
Maybe single-called organisms are too vulnerable to the effect while plants and animal cells can better deal with the damage it might cause by shutting off the affected area?
Sorry for being too vague.
Damage as in cell destruction by the action of Dragon's Blood, whatever the mechanism it works through.
Interesting. Only kills germs of certain type, then?
So, topical, fine. If ingest, death! lol
What is it for? I mean drinking