Phrag.Jason Fischer

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besseae x (besseae x sargentianum)
Yay besseae hybrids!!

I know. I sometimes don't understand some hybrids. Like in the cochlopetalum group of paphiopedilum. The hybrids look similar or the same as their parents. Why make them? Just for fun? Easier to grow? If you were to look at a bessae in bloom and a Jason Fischer in bloom, what differences would there be?

Just wondering, don't want to hijack the thread.
I know. I sometimes don't understand some hybrids. Like in the cochlopetalum group of paphiopedilum. The hybrids look similar or the same as their parents. Why make them? Just for fun? Easier to grow? If you were to look at a bessae in bloom and a Jason Fischer in bloom, what differences would there be?
I understand. Generally it's a matter of perception and experience. To me besseae doesn't look like Jason Fischer at all.
I can often tell besseae hybrids apart just by looking at them, but then again I've seen a lot of them. Also sometimes the hybrids are easier to bloom or have different blooming characteristics, color, flower count, etc., than the species
Everyone else's' praise is well deserved!
Great plant, beautiful bloom, love the first photo!
Kudos Chuck :)

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I know. I sometimes don't understand some hybrids. Like in the cochlopetalum group of paphiopedilum. The hybrids look similar or the same as their parents. Why make them? Just for fun? Easier to grow? If you were to look at a bessae in bloom and a Jason Fischer in bloom, what differences would there be?

Just wondering, don't want to hijack the thread.

"Typical" Phrag. besseae

Phrag Jason Fischer ... larger flower than typical besseae
I know. I sometimes don't understand some hybrids. Like in the cochlopetalum group of paphiopedilum. The hybrids look similar or the same as their parents. Why make them? Just for fun? Easier to grow? If you were to look at a bessae in bloom and a Jason Fischer in bloom, what differences would there be?

Just wondering, don't want to hijack the thread.

The plant and the flowers are entirely different ........I find Jason Fischer easier to grow, it is a larger plant and stays in the pot better than besseae which loves to climb out. Also, the color is entirely different orange-red versus dark red. The next generation Scarlet O'Hara is much more like besseae but it is 7/8 besseae.
I looked at the pictures of bessae and Jason Fisher and I can see a difference in color, shape, and size. I have to look at them side by side to know which is which. Telling the difference between these 2 phrags is probaby for you all, like it is for me telling the difference between my three geese which are all the same size, color, and gender. I can just look into their eyes and know who they are. ;)

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