Phrag Kovachii awarded

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Maybe Cycnoches Jumbo Gold :D


Seriously, though I think the plant deserved something (it is about time, afterall), an 87? My comments about Andy were topical, but someone should have stepped up and said 87 was too high. It sets the standard that all kovachii that show up on the table either will not reach (which is OK) or will be awarded higher without merit (which is inexcusable). Since I have personally seen larger kovachii, and judges are so prone to "size-itis", I would think that anything bigger will get a better score. The idea that two judges thought this plant was worthy of an FCC speaks volumes about the inexperience most have with this plant, and the ever present ability of a beautiful flower to leave a judge without any sense what so ever.
i think in the greater scheme of things...with the inevitable awards that will be placed on this species, that its not that big of a was exciting being a part of the judging team, even as an observer, and everyone there was excited to be judging this plant my opinion it was a solid AM/AOS award

I thought I should clarify things here. In no way did I mean to suggest this plant was not worthy of an AOS award. Firstly, because I simply do not have any expertise or experience whatever--I have never seen one "in the flesh" in bloom. Secondly because it's clearly well-grown and the bloom presents itself well. So, definitely the grower has done a fine job and I admire this flower!

My concern was (and others here have stated it better than I did) the exuberance of the judges in response to a striking bloom resulted in a very high score and leaves little room to award future flowers.

And no, I haven't met Andy Easton nor made it to the National Capitol Region! :rollhappy::rollhappy:
We are on the way for that with a couple of things.

Favorite: kovachii,

Possible outsider: hangianum ( sure whenever one will bloom, it will get an award, AM or FCC...).

Nightmare in Elm Street : micranthum var. eburneum ( they award horrible things, but whenever one blooms it gets an award. The one from Mr.Beetus is still excellent and UNDERratter, go figure... but Bubble Gum etc... are pieces of crap of the worst style.

Maybe Cycnoches Jumbo Gold :D

I have a few FCC armeniacum from before, for fun. So far the only FCC I own and is still worth its FCC is Los Osos (Norris Powell sold to me nice divisions straight out of his motherplant for 50US, still a very good deal). The remaining, I have them for history and fun...


so many hangianum are butt-ugly tho...
i agree with brian that awarding the first kovachii )or the first anything) you've seen in person an fcc is a mistake and speaks volumes towards lack of staying current.

so many hangianum are butt-ugly tho......

i ain't never seen one in person but, well, perhaps i didn't see any photos of the bad ones.
any way you could direct me that way?
i figure either i'm so taken by them that i won't be able to see the forest for the trees, so to speak, or that we have a difference of opinion
Congratulations on the flowering and the award.
However the judges got a little too excited, a cultural award would have been more appropriate. The flower quality will prove to be only "normal" as more plants bloom.
I agree that the judges got a bit excited, in fact very excited but this was a small first bloom seedling so a cultural award was out of question. My guess is that this will seem quite typical as a seedling, but all of them are spectacular. With a small reference point, this is a likely result.
Is the flower still growing?

Well it did over last night. Doesn't seem like it changed any from this AM to this evening. I'll let you all know again tomorrow AM...

I will say tho it's difficult to accurately measure.
Question for you guys - should I self this plant? I'm really tempted... or should I let it grow for another year or so before I try and put a pod on it? And do you know if they're like besseae where the pollen needs to be very fresh? And how about approx how long the gestation period is? I could also put the pollen on another phrag but all I have in bloom right now is some longifoliums (they're always in bloom...) and a besseae that's a bit past it's prime.
Here's the award photo:


Photograph ⓒ 2011 Mike Pearson

Thanks Mike for the photo!
Very lovely.

It's interesting to see so many kovachii's being awarded before enough have bloomed and be seen to know what is common and what is awardable.
Yes, Mike does a much better job at it than I do. I've been meaning for years to setup something where I have decent lighting and a black back drop. But I never think about it except right when I need to take a picture...

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