Polyorchidism..not defined as orchids having many partners

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although not that weird, as the term orchid (=ορχιδέα) comes from the word testis (=όρχις) in greek, because of the appearance of greek terrestrial orchid tubers when the old one is not completely substituted by the new one... ;):)


One could take that old Lionel Richie song and rework the lyrics just a little bit...

"You're once, twice, three times a buddy..." :rollhappy:
The daughter of one of my friends was born with 3 kidneys, one had to be removed.
On the other side, Polyorchidism is a very amusing labeling for persons, which have the problem to have too much orchids....
Never heard before that this problem really exists, it´s always possibe and much easier to amount density in the greenhouse than to get rid off the third testicle or kidney....
Best regards, Gina
...the term orchid (=ορχιδέα) comes from the word testis (=όρχις) in greek, because of the appearance of greek terrestrial orchid tubers when the old one is not completely substituted by the new one... ;):)

there was a prof in a class who would have me explain that to her class every year

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