All very good questions, bear with me...
I'm not trying to prove any point about culture, we are here to discuss the possibility that the new PA is extremely different from the old PA.
Candace said:
I use a TDS reader. I use many different types of fertilizers but it usually works out to 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. per gallon.
Does your tds meter read in ppm or another scale?
1/4 tsp per gallon of MSU(13-3-15+) yields 195 ppm.
If you aren't using resevoirs this isn't s/h .
I am using reservoirs. I just don't rely on the wicking for the irrigation of the pot, but it certainly adds to it.
You are using regular pots with holes at the bottom?
No. My pots have 2 holes 1 inch up from the bottom.
If so, this is watering frequently, but not a constant resevoir of water that the roots sit in(which Ray coined as s/H).
Once my seedlings roots grow they sit in the water in the reservoir. The photo below is a besseae hybrid planted directly in this pot 8 months ago and watered as I have described.
Maybe I'm incorrectly remembering that you stated you grew in S/H.
Perhaps what I am doing is growing ss/h, simi-simi/hydroponics?
If you're flushing with heavily fertilized water twice daily, I'd like to see what happens when you flush with R.O. water occasionally.
I'm not flushing with heavily fertilized water twice daily. I am watering lightly twice daily, not flushing. What I believe I said was that my frequent light waterings gives me a "constant" flush. I do not have salt build ups that need to be flushed.
It doesn't suprise my your tds readings high since your water is so high in tds to start with.
Well again, my tds readings are not "high", they are at an optimum level for rapid plant growth. You can see in the photo above that the besseae hybrid has not suffered and I think grown quite well in 8 months from flask to an 8 inch LS. Is it growing well, maybe I am mistaken?
Why do you feel you have to water with fertilizer upon every watering??
partly because of:
40+ years of growing experience with a focus on plant growth and nutrition.
Many, many tests by trial and error to determine what makes a plant grow faster, better, stronger and healthier. And a very keene sense of what a plant needs (I talk to them? :evil: ).
I could keep going as to why I fertilize and water the way I do and I will if you want.

But the point of the thread is about the new PA.
In addition to my own experience with plant growing we know that PrimeAgra has no cation exchange capacity so we know the plants only get nutrition from the irrigation water.
Let me ask you this... Why do you feel plants do not need a nutrient supply every day of the week?
But my growing practices aside the measurements show that the new PA either has or holds more accumilated salts than the old PA. Even if I were adding too many tds I am adding them equally to both the new and old PA.