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Small Neofinetia Collection for Sale

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
I was repotting my Neo's yesterday and I had a few pieces break off of different clones so I figured I'd try selling them. Here are the clones...

'Suikaden' - Curved bean leaf with green tipped flowers (1 NBS growth)

'Benisuzume' - Small pink flowers (1 growth, this one is still small, maybe 2 years from blooming)

'Tipo' - Has bigger flowers and growths than most, maybe a cross between Amami Island and tipo...also blooms later in the season (1 BS and 2 small growths)

I'd like to sell them as a lot, $40 including shipping. If anyone has any other Neos and wants to make a trade I might be interested.
I've just recently began purchasing some Neos. I cannot find any information on Tipo. Could the tag be messed up? White flowers with no other coloring?


Tipo is the "type" cultivar, just a regualr old neo, no cultivar name. Sorry, I should have explained it better