some from Menthule x Spotglen

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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2007
Reaction score
This is a cross made by Francisco Baptista of Paph House. Bloomed a few of these; will update with more as the season progresses. Seeing lots of a cross is so interesting, and I probably have about 100 of these, so as time progresses hopefully one will turn out great!! These are ok...nice color but everything else could use some improvement.

IMO, Spotglen 'Doodlebug' and Menthule 'Laelia Sasso' both are quite dominant for very saturated red color, laquered texture, and nice rounded form. Unfortunately, they are both rather small. We shall see if anything good results.

For reference:
clone 'A' - NS 13, PW 5
clone 'B' - NS 11, PW 5
clone 'C' - NS 10, PW 4


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I love all's good to compare like that. I think the dorsal on the second one is excellent.
:clap::clap: If the 3rd one had the shape of the 2nd one, it would be in my GH! :clap:
Since you think these aren't that good, I'd be happy to take #1 and #2 off your hands!! :)

Please keep us updated as they all bloom out. I wish I had room for an experiment like that.
Very nice. How is the presentation: short stem, long stem or just right? I like the richness of the color of C but B has lovely shape. A has a very "happy" shape about it as well even though it may not be a round as the judges like.

I wish I had all three.
Beautiful all 3 of them!!! And I like the fact that they are smallish!!! It is quite unusual!
If I had only one from this cross, I'd keep any of these three. None of them is bad at all. But, since youre looking for the best out of 100...

I think I like #3 best for its colours.
# 2 & #3 are my favorites. These are first bloom seedlings, before you eliminate any from your collection in favor of others, remember that the first ones to bloom for you are "selected" to be better growers in your collection, I would say the first 6 to bloom are the ones most important to keep.

Flower size and color intensity can be dramatically improved by culture. Grow these on to multigrowth plants to see what they really can do. example of improvement in a multigrowth plant:
Nice form, especially on #2 and #3.

Paph Menthule has an interesting lineage of ancestors, including Paph Radiosum = lawrencianum x spicerianum, from Paph Windrush, which is both a parent and a grandparent of Menthule. Do you see any influence of Radiosum?
2 is good but small. this is not a cross aimed at producing minis, and yes of course since i have room i'll see them flower again. there are lots of extenuating circumstances at work i won't bore you with, but suffice it to say these are not of the expected level of quality.

Ross, great question requiring much research. There is an RHS awarded Radiosum, but no picture; Windrush is listed as radiosum (in lowercase by the way) x Mem. F.M. Oglivie 'The King'. Here's pix of F.M. Oglivie 'The King' and Windrush 'Mem. G.F. Moore'. Now, to me, knowing how dominant F.M. Oglivie is through its progeny like Blendia and Small World, etc., I think what we have here is a case of parthenogenesis...I don't see any lawrencianum in this at all. I think that essentially Mem. F.M. Oglivie was "selfed". With two shots of Windrush, it's no suprise how similar Menthule looks to it, and appears to have no lawrencianum in it at all. Look at how much Maudiae stuff tends to alter the form and color of complexes, and then look at the differences between F.M. Oglivie and Windrush - minor at best.

As far as more modern crosses with Menthule, there's not too much out there...Olympic Forest is one of the best spotted breeders ever (Menthule x Milmoore), and Yamato-Noen made Menthule x Personality 'Plus', which is likely to be another great spotted, although not registered yet. There's not a single picture of Menthule 'Laelia Sasso' online I can find, despite winning an AM/AOS and the super-rare FCC/NSW. Anybody got a pic of it? I flowered mine this year on a tiny plant and cut off the flower before photographing. Maybe next year...

Again, shameless plug for as many image programs as you can get - these come from the RHS Awards CD, which is monumental for older crosses. Beautiful paintings as well...


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