Star Wars film order order

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My parents, whom I adore, mistakenly let my 12 year old sister and her friend take 6 yo me to the first one in 1977 and made us sit in the front row. Needless to say this left a long-lasting bad impression on me. However, in recent years I've finally let that go, and would agree to order of release. I'm a big Natalie Portman fan so I am a little less critical of 1 than most. Didn't make it to 3 though...
Of the newer films, I have to give credit to was good enough to be in the same class as the originals, and quite possibly better than #6. They totally destroyed my ability to appreciate Natalie Portman though...I've hated her ever since, until I saw Black Swan, which I loved. Then again, I'm a long time horror/sci fi fan....and I think Black Swan was actually one of the best horror films in recent years...I think I appreciated it much more because I wasn't expecting a horror movie at all. (Of course, if its universally critically acclaimed, its not a horror movie............................) Never got into the Alien franchise though. The movies were OK, I enjoyed them, but they just never grabbed me though. Just finished a great book- Shock Value, by Jason Zinoman....about the directors who re-worked the horror film concept in the late 60's-70s. Very enjoyable.
I would go by release date as well. But I wonder if not 4 years old are a bit early for these kind of movies. My son is 4 years, and I plan to wait at least until he is 5, probably 6 before I introduce him to Star Wars.

I understand your concern and we've given it a lot of thought. I was 4 when me, my three older brothers, and my mom went opening weekend. I was doggin' the idea because I wanted to play outside with my pals instead of going to the theater, but really got hooked. Honestly, looking back, it helped me make sense of good and bad to some extent.

That and the fact that Logan can build a ~200 piece Snowspeeder sorta seals the deal.

One of my brothers and his wife are raising two sons without guns etc, and I have to say they're a little messed up. :)

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