The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
  • Start date
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Well partly true...always counting down the days to vacation, but I'm not going abroad...:)

TPBM has taken the day off work to watch over their landscapers.
true!!!!!! Although I do not have any at the moment, I love the smell of the ones I find on the mountain on weekends ...;)

TPBM is a bit sorry that he/she will have to leave their collection for about 3weeks... :(
False, I don't like Fisher Price Cars :)

TPBM (will be away for 3 weeks, and have someone caring for his/her plants), has seen that many Paphies in his/her collection will bloom while on holidays...
False, I don't think so...:(

TPBM has tasted "umeboshi" for the first time in their life!!!!!!
False, I am addicted already to Umeboshi (love to eat them while drinking beer! :)

TPBM, will get new glasses tomorrow :)
False, althought I should go to an ophthalmologist and then to an optician to check!!!!

TPBM received a plant today that it was not in a good condition... :(
Absolutely TRUE!!

TPBM, wishes he/she would live in a slightly cooler place (at least during Summer Time!)
uh, false, got here a while ago (i work here...)

tpbm is amazed at my new lava lite giant which is about 27 inches (almost 69 cm)
False, I have never seen your Lava Lite :)

TPBM, is invited for dinner tonight, and is worried because he/she forgot to tell the host about all the things he/she is currently not allowed to eat (for health reasons!)
False, I hope you can enjoy the meal!!!

The person below me tasted dragonfruit for the first time in their life a few minutes ago...:D
false, never driven a rocket before (or is this something new?)

tpbm has learned that all organic tomatoes in our whole area have been wiped out by early blight (no fungicide sprays)

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