The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
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yup, exactly two. first time for one.

tpbm is now pluggin' Kim's Bike Shop in New Brunswick, NJ. All good.
False, I need to wait until Saturday... :)

TPBM, hasreceived a replacement Paph (the first plant had no roots and some fungi on the leave), a great large and strong plant :) but not the same species originally bought :mad:
false, but I ordered coffee ice cream tonight from an outdoor stand, and they gave me chocolate instead..

tpbm had a lobster roll (and a pitcher of water) for lunch today :drool:
(man, it was hot and steamy today... the lens of my camera fogged up as soon as I took it out of the bag this morning! :confused: )
false. had four servings of choc. pudding before bed and can still fell it.

tpbm needs to avoid biking on garbage day.
False, (but I can suggest Lavendel sorbet with a very soft lime touch! EXCELLENT!)

TPMB is P*ç#%*-*@f for having strong lumbago pain just 4 days before holidays (and that after 5 years without pain!) :sob:
(I am supposed to start a 3 days trekking tour in 5 days! :()
not really. ticks for me.

tpbm, after peddling 43 plus miles, has a raw spot where the sun doesn't shine.
somewhat true; after driving from utica to long island to cape cod and then back to utica yesterday afternoon, my backside is flat

tpbm listened to garbage about nys politics from passenger on a recent trip, so still thinks politicians are incredibly stupid

tpbm is kinda bummed that he/she didn't meet other slipper talk members who may have been really close the other day

TPBM had an interesting morning playing a trauma victim for a first-aid class and looked like they had committed a chainsaw massacre afterwards-and still probably hasn't gotten all of the fake blood out of their hair :eek:.
False, but sounds really funny...

TPBM, hada great "integral cereals rissoto" for dinner and was really surprised that Rissotto without rice could be so good :)
tpbm is kinda bummed that he/she didn't meet other slipper talk members who may have been really close the other day

(true, I would have liked to get together with some people if it hadn't been so much of a mad rush to get around and back home. we actually skipped a few stops so that things could be fit in and get ken back home before 10pm tuesday)

false, not sure what that was, but if it tasted good then it couldn't have been too bad

tpbm got back from vacation where they were sweating rivers, to get back to work so that they could sweat more rivers plus a few contact burns from hot 'high' steel (and more tomorrow)
mostly true a month ago.

tpbm watches 'Fire in the Sky' before camping and 'Jaws' before the beach.
false but i'm hoping to hear water in the sky at tonight's phish show!

tpbm wishes that i could take a working lava lite with me to the phish show tonight but realizes part of the problem would be that i don't have a long enough extension cord....

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