N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Aug 17, 2009 #3,041 False, no bites for 2 days! TPBM is going to order some plants today!
C Clark Guest Aug 17, 2009 #3,042 false. but will bid on non-orchid plants after we eat dinner. tpbm is feeling the 'dog days of August' right now.
false. but will bid on non-orchid plants after we eat dinner. tpbm is feeling the 'dog days of August' right now.
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Aug 18, 2009 #3,043 yes; the perspiration river has been flowing non-stop at work (and some at home) tpbm has heard the cicadas singing this last week
yes; the perspiration river has been flowing non-stop at work (and some at home) tpbm has heard the cicadas singing this last week
SlipperFan Addicted Joined Jun 9, 2006 Messages 43,290 Reaction score 54 Location Michigan, USA Aug 18, 2009 #3,044 That's true. I even saw one this afternoon -- I think it was chewing on one of my hostas. TPBM is planning to do a bunch of repotting tomorrow.
That's true. I even saw one this afternoon -- I think it was chewing on one of my hostas. TPBM is planning to do a bunch of repotting tomorrow.
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Aug 19, 2009 #3,045 False, after work, practice, then bed. TPBM is planning 2 orchid trips in the next 2 months.
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Aug 19, 2009 #3,046 true, but for taking pictures, not buying tpbm is taking their scheduled day off from work today, and is tempted to take the rest of the week as well!
true, but for taking pictures, not buying tpbm is taking their scheduled day off from work today, and is tempted to take the rest of the week as well!
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Aug 19, 2009 #3,047 False, and I can't believe someone w/ a seasonal job would either! TPBM got an orchid in the mail last night.
False, and I can't believe someone w/ a seasonal job would either! TPBM got an orchid in the mail last night.
luvsorchids Well-Known Member Joined Mar 13, 2009 Messages 690 Reaction score 11 Location Seattle, WA Aug 19, 2009 #3,048 Sorta true-got one today to straighten out the screwed up order. Now have the plant ordered as well as get to keep the wrong plant that was sent . TPBM just got the Christenson book on Phalaenopsis and is really enjoying it.
Sorta true-got one today to straighten out the screwed up order. Now have the plant ordered as well as get to keep the wrong plant that was sent . TPBM just got the Christenson book on Phalaenopsis and is really enjoying it.
C Clark Guest Aug 20, 2009 #3,049 false. tpbm buys their college books online ($180.00 at school, $30.00 online. same book (WTF)).
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Aug 20, 2009 #3,050 False, there wasn't really an "online" last time I was in college! TPBM is wondering a lot about Chicagoland Orchid festival!
False, there wasn't really an "online" last time I was in college! TPBM is wondering a lot about Chicagoland Orchid festival!
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Aug 20, 2009 #3,051 true but i realize i won't get home, which is near there.... tpbm is trying to decide between a dr pepper and a peach smoothie
true but i realize i won't get home, which is near there.... tpbm is trying to decide between a dr pepper and a peach smoothie
Heather ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Jun 6, 2006 Messages 10,882 Reaction score 351 Location Sacramento, CA. Outside w/ Southeast Exposure Aug 20, 2009 #3,052 False, but my vote is for the peach smoothie, hands down. TPBM is getting a new phone today.
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Aug 20, 2009 #3,053 false, would be a big waste of money for me tpbm has lots of fans going in and into/out of their living area
false, would be a big waste of money for me tpbm has lots of fans going in and into/out of their living area
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Aug 21, 2009 #3,054 True, well, that ddepends on what you mean living area. TPBM had a little to eat and will have cold seafood and pastsa salads later.
True, well, that ddepends on what you mean living area. TPBM had a little to eat and will have cold seafood and pastsa salads later.
C Clark Guest Aug 21, 2009 #3,055 false. still full from last night, and strip steak w/ corn on grill tonight tpbm inspection sticker on auto is 13 months overdue and never gets pulled over.
false. still full from last night, and strip steak w/ corn on grill tonight tpbm inspection sticker on auto is 13 months overdue and never gets pulled over.
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Aug 21, 2009 #3,056 true but on my previous car.... tpbm is sweating
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Aug 21, 2009 #3,057 False, not leaving air conditioning if at all possible. TPBM is still considering a car to buy.
J Jimsox Guest Aug 21, 2009 #3,058 false, with the move coming, it's a Uhaul rental!!! TPBM wishes they were moving to San Diego too!!!
C Clark Guest Aug 21, 2009 #3,059 false. everybody drives like they have narcotics in the car. tpbm has been stopped at U.S. Customs checkpoint just north of San Diego, while new Apache attack helicopter monitored from above (I think we were scanned for radiation).
false. everybody drives like they have narcotics in the car. tpbm has been stopped at U.S. Customs checkpoint just north of San Diego, while new Apache attack helicopter monitored from above (I think we were scanned for radiation).
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Aug 21, 2009 #3,060 (yikes!) sorry, never been that far west! tpbm will make some peach cobbler tomorrow