The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
  • Start date
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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:rollhappy::rollhappy: Almost! Does this morning count? J&L is coming to IOS, inquired about a few plants for a preorder!
TPBM will be going out for Halloween tomorrow!
J&L is coming to IOS, inquired about a few plants for a preorder!

rose, I would highly suggest trying out a stelis or pleurothallis mystax from J + L, not sure which name they use though think pleuro. It is intermediate-tolerant and is a very spiffy flower! I almost got one during our club order but got a masd. exquisita instead (passed up many other things that looked very interesting (sigh))

...and the game - false

tpbm has basically finished their project (home-made grow cart humidifier) and is going out to see if the humidity has actually changed in there...

tpbm has spent the last few days fairly immersed in his/her orchid society's annual show and always thinks it's big fun, but sometimes a little stressful
False, my iMac is not even a year old (but tempted to buying a new laptop :))

TPBM, is going to a Halloween Party tonight, even though he/she is not a big fan of halloween...
false. Yankee party.

tpbm has dressed up as a member of the opposite sex for Halloween. (D-cup for me).
false, maybe spiedies

tpbm isn't pleased with their recent project; it worked great early on, then is lackluster in performance (tooltime tim would say, "it needs more power! (grunt grunt)" it does need a few more rpm's
False, no project!

TPBM will start disliking some weekends because arrival of orders is delayed...LOL
False-there are advantages to having a secured building :p.

TPBM spent part of the afternoon with a local mayoral candidate, but is really not so much into the political thing :crazy:.

tpbm has picked mature Paphiopedilum parts off their neatly trimmed Poa, after a minor mishap.
I live in a secure building but in the neighborhood of the world's largest Halloween Parade!
OK-then there are advantages to living in a secured building in a city that doesn't have a halloween parade :poke:.

False but I hope no permanent damage :eek:.

TPBM was up until midnight last night working, but then couldn't sleep and woke up at 5:30 am this morning :confused:.

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