The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
  • Start date
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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true. crappy sale tactics is a vehicle to shitlist.

tpbm was awakened very early Satuday morning to multiple gunshots (and found out duck season goes to January!).
false.... just remember to look into permits beforehand....

tpbm is {not so slowly} being driven crazy by the squirrel in the attic that just won't go into the have-a-hart trap.
TPBM bought a car today so road trips are in imminent future!

only one thing to say - get ezpass! one time I wanted to get from nj back to the ny show in manhattan and waited absolutely forever to get through the tunnel. ezpass holders were zipping by; convinced me and tolls are cheaper

to the game - there is a guy on ebay I just recently saw that sold tons of plants or seedlings, and he pulled stunt like that. he also only shipped during certain times of the month so you could possibly wait a month before plants would get shipped. so true would bother me

tpbm is enjoying a little sunshine today

tpbm was also confused briefly by what tpam wrote but scrolling up a little thinks he may have figured it out....

TPBM hopes that the above person cancels the order asap!!!! :D:D

no way to cancel... the plants have been shipped and received, and my sister in law already paid :( (silly silly silly silly!!!) Note: the handling was as following. I told my SIL to order the plants she would like, and I would send her the money via international bank transfer... so, when I received her message with the bill, I was shocked!! (supposed to be a VERY serious seller!)

so, back to game... :)


TPBM, is building new "humidity trays" for his/her plants (custom-made trays!) :D
true, but years ago.....

tpbm knows that distilled white vinegar can be used as a deodorant, curative for athlete's foot and that apple cider vinegar can be used as a hair conditioner (but should be rinsed after) but that blonds should use distilled white....
False-makes sense, but the fragrance would leave a lot to be desired.

TPBM has a neighbor upstairs with a "squeaky" bed :eek:.
False. I can't always make it in person to places like Oak Hill, Orchid Inn and Big Leaf Orchids, but I trust them implicitly to send me great plants; in the past ten years, I've only had one mail order problem and it was in the dead of winter (not from either of the aforementioned vendors, either).

TPBM got to visit a new-to-them orchid nursery recently and had a great time.

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