The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
  • Start date
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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false. can't wait for Halloween to be over.

tpbm has just put another vendor on the shitlist. List totals 2 vendors.
(MFer had the balls to refer me to other member of said list.)
don't have a list like that, but there are two vendors who won't return my communications; one got chilly and no longer returns communications after I asked about buying from their 'special' breeding plants and the other who knows, has never returned communications

tpbm doesn't pay much attention to baseball until the season is almost over
Um, false - I never pay much attention to baseball season. :D

TPBM has had to toss a couple of orchids that they'd killed with overzealous alcohol/baby oil/dish soap treatments.
False!! What do you use baby oil for??? Moisturizing the plant??? LOL:p :poke:

TPBM is wondering when and if their Calanthe are going to bloom...!
False-just paid mine off and those locations are on the wrong side of the country.

TPBM is excited that Glen Decker is coming to speak at their OS meeting in a couple weeks.
false. that rat b@st@rd..... (i'm trying to be funny. i'm a big fan of piping rock orchids.)

tpbm is sleepy
False, we live together in the same room:):):)

TPBM loves the fact that yesterday and tomorrow are days off because of local celebrations...:):):)
false. i am being tested this week.

tpbm has seen a sailboat stuck in mud, w/ sails up(recently).
Not dying but it would ne nice!! So semi true...;)

TPBM has made an order of Cymbidiums...:):):):):) (Good luck to me..!)

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