C Clark Guest Nov 23, 2009 #3,702 false. maybe never. tpbm got a **** load of orchids today.(over 95)
B biothanasis Guest Nov 23, 2009 #3,703 I wish!!!!! hahahahaah please show pictures... TPBM would love to get some more coelogyne species/hybrids!!!
I wish!!!!! hahahahaah please show pictures... TPBM would love to get some more coelogyne species/hybrids!!!
N NYEric ST Supporter Supporting Member Joined Sep 14, 2006 Messages 50,745 Reaction score 1,623 Location New York City Apartment Nov 23, 2009 #3,704 Yes, and if anyone hears from Blake Wester he owes me some! TPBM knows someone is talking about compot count!
Yes, and if anyone hears from Blake Wester he owes me some! TPBM knows someone is talking about compot count!
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Nov 23, 2009 #3,705 I think so tpbm is going to be cooking some bison/beefalo over the holiday week/end
N nikv Guest Nov 23, 2009 #3,706 False. It will be turkey. Not much of a red meat eater. TPBM has to arrange for a neighbor to care for orchids during his/her absence over the holiday.
False. It will be turkey. Not much of a red meat eater. TPBM has to arrange for a neighbor to care for orchids during his/her absence over the holiday.
P parvi_17 Well-Known Member Joined Aug 25, 2006 Messages 1,418 Reaction score 0 Location Edmonton, AB, Canada Nov 23, 2009 #3,707 False. Canadian thanksgiving was a month ago, so there is no holiday for me! TPBM is frustrated with the invading cold winter air.
False. Canadian thanksgiving was a month ago, so there is no holiday for me! TPBM is frustrated with the invading cold winter air.
J Jimsox Guest Nov 23, 2009 #3,708 :evil:I am, it was 65 today, not 70..... TPBM is going to a football game this weekend
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Nov 23, 2009 #3,710 false (the beefalo is for saturday; turkey is thursday) tpbm spent money on transportation today
B biothanasis Guest Nov 24, 2009 #3,711 False!!!! Prepaid!!! TPBM is glad their bulbo collection is growing in number...
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Nov 26, 2009 #3,712 false. i always kill bulbos for some reason tpbm is taking it easy today
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Nov 26, 2009 #3,713 yes tpbm found out while heading down to nj last night that their snow tires do very poorly on wet pavement, and that when sliding after braking quickly, it's good to pump the brakes to keep the wheels rolling (grrr)(eeek)
yes tpbm found out while heading down to nj last night that their snow tires do very poorly on wet pavement, and that when sliding after braking quickly, it's good to pump the brakes to keep the wheels rolling (grrr)(eeek)
B biothanasis Guest Nov 26, 2009 #3,714 False! I do not have a car... TPBM is prepairing a handmade gift for a friend..
rdlsreno Well-Known Member Joined Apr 30, 2007 Messages 3,822 Reaction score 30 Location Reno, NV Nov 26, 2009 #3,715 Nope! Just a gift card. TPBM is having no yams tonight. Ramon
Yoyo_Jo Catt's Meow Joined Feb 15, 2008 Messages 5,464 Reaction score 0 Location Qualicum Beach, BC Nov 26, 2009 #3,716 True; I'm going to make an egg/sausage/broccoli and cheese dish. Mmmm. TPBM is looking forward to decorating for Christmas.
True; I'm going to make an egg/sausage/broccoli and cheese dish. Mmmm. TPBM is looking forward to decorating for Christmas.
cnycharles Peloric keiki Supporting Member Joined Jan 22, 2008 Messages 9,959 Reaction score 376 Location elmer, nj Nov 26, 2009 #3,717 false, don't do much tpbm had some strawberry rhubarb pie for dessert today!
B biothanasis Guest Nov 27, 2009 #3,718 :drool::drool: unfortunately false.... TPBM is thinking of making homemade remedies for pest and deseases of their plants...!!!!!
:drool::drool: unfortunately false.... TPBM is thinking of making homemade remedies for pest and deseases of their plants...!!!!!
C Clark Guest Nov 27, 2009 #3,719 false.have not seen a snail in over 2wks. tpbm is entertaining 2 days in a row.
likespaphs some call me brian Joined Jun 7, 2006 Messages 5,267 Reaction score 21 Location Cape Cod Nov 27, 2009 #3,720 false but i'm hoping to be entertained.... tpbm doesn't have to work today