The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
  • Start date
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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True, there is a construction site near my home... Huge Cranes for construction of some high buildings :) (I know, you were talking most probably about birds, but we do not have them here in CH)

TPBM, has recently learned that heating with electricity (greenhouse and own house) is a lot cheaper than gas and diesel in France (opposite to Germany and Switzreland)
true, you just told me

tpbm knows i meant construction cranes as the road down the way was closed because of it........
True - seems impossible to keep up even though I'm on here fifty times a day. :D

TPBM is helping organize a plant order for their orchid society.
False, good luck!!!

TPBM suffered from food poisoning (??) all day yesterday and thank God things are much much better today!!!:)
true. some things one never forgets. Glad your fine.

tpbm hopes their local orchid society is a lot better than their local master gardener program.
False, but will be true two weeks from now.:) (Orchid Society of Alberta show is Feb 19 - 21).

TPBM bought a NOID cymbidium today because it was beautiful and cheap. :p
false. very nice purchase!

tpbm knows where to 'one stop shop' for Calopogon tuberosus, Pogonia ophioglossoides, and Spiranthes cernua odorata. :D
False, but I wish I did and also had the conditions required :D:D:D:D

TPBM starts to grow the number of catasetinae in his/her collection!!! :D
Hawaii dreaming

This is the time of year cabin fever runs deep and we dream of temperatures above freezing and seeing the green of growth . We have a life long dream of going to the Big Island and Maui. Anybody out there with some travel advise or experiences.

ok, once again...


True and false... True: I am increasing the number ofCatasetinae in ym collection... False, I started loooooong ago :)

TPBM received Orchid Digest today, and was VERY happy to see a Catasetinae on the cover, but was disappointed there is no articles about Catasetinaes in this volume :( (To OD: TEASERS!!!:mad:)

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