True, there is a construction site near my home... Huge Cranes for construction of some high buildings (I know, you were talking most probably about birds, but we do not have them here in CH)
TPBM, has recently learned that heating with electricity (greenhouse and own house) is a lot cheaper than gas and diesel in France (opposite to Germany and Switzreland)
This is the time of year cabin fever runs deep and we dream of temperatures above freezing and seeing the green of growth . We have a life long dream of going to the Big Island and Maui. Anybody out there with some travel advise or experiences.
True and false... True: I am increasing the number ofCatasetinae in ym collection... False, I started loooooong ago
TPBM received Orchid Digest today, and was VERY happy to see a Catasetinae on the cover, but was disappointed there is no articles about Catasetinaes in this volume (To OD: TEASERS!!!)