The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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TPBM has enjoyed two teen free weeks.

Oh, I wish. And wish! first peach schnapps of the summer!

TPBM is caring for an injured significant other who tried to take his/her big toe off by dropping the dinghy on it. (By himself. Who does he think he is, Mr. Universe?)
false but hope he/she heals quickly!

tpbm is sad Ben-n-Jerry can't use the name Clusterfluff for their new ice cream
lol no, i'm not into ice cream with too many bells and whistles in it! plain and let me add my own things

tpbm shared chicken barbecue with fellow native orchid hunters yesterday! :D

tpbm is happy a liberal was bullied out of office, while Nancy and Debbie got a. weiner behind them.
true, everyone should eat something everyday

Definitely! I want some of that pie too!

TPBM wants that pie recipe please!
I have an excellent one for coconut cake and would be more than happy to share.

i'd be happy to share the recipe, but I don't have it since I bought the pie at bob's barbecue in homer, ny. it was unusual that the pie was mostly coconut with some cream filling instead of mostly coconut pudding. definitely was not bottom-end dessert... (meaning not cheap to make)

tpbm cares about someone particular today
1/2 true.

tpbm peddles bike to farmer stand to buy produce on Sunday.
tie some leeks on the back and see how many motorists look at you:rollhappy:

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