The person below me game......

  • Thread starter Bluefirepegasus
  • Start date
Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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false but at least i have a thing or two in spike!

tpbm may have a second cuppa {i.e. cup of coffee} this morning
False! The only good thing that came out of a LONG hospital stay was that it broke me of my caffeine addiction!

TPBM spends more time with his/her orchids now that they are outside than he/she did when they were in the house!

TPBM, is sometimes surprised how some "serious" discussions in this forums (and in other forums as well), when read from an outsider point of view, look like school kids fights... :)
sort of true, though sometimes people do take minor things too seriously (which can be surprising)

tpbm receives emails now about this time every year from homeowners asking if that plant popping up in their yard is an orchid (epipactis helleborine)
False. My neighbors think all the lights are for growing marijuana! LOL!

TPBM Just sent a "first orchid" to his/her daughter/son.

tpbm is conflicted about whether or not he/she would allow an invasive species in his/her yard if it is an orchid although he/she wouldn't if it were anything else...
false. still tasting the dog i had on 6th Ave yesterday.

tpbm thinks positive plant functions stop in orchids after 94F.
true and it's gonna be hotter than that the next several days

tpbm will still probably drink hot coffee during the heatwave
False, but I wanted to stroke the underbelly of a chickadee today!

TPBM watched a momma Baltimore oriole feeding two hungry teenagers today!
before or after the act of courage, true.
while being courageous, false.

tpbm has a few cunning stunts under his belt.
not in recent memory.. unless you are counting sneaking up and taking pics of resting dragonflies (though the pictures never turn out the way I like)

tpbm is glad to be home from work finally this afternoon and isn't looking forward to tomorrow
Nope. It's my sixth year anniversary of landing in a wheelchair.

TPBM was directly involved in addicting a new person to orchids today!

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