True....I had never watched Lost before Sci-Fi channel started airing 4episodes I am really into it although....they took a two week hiatus for the holidays and when they started airing it again last night I think they skipped some episodes
TPBM is sitting at home tonight all snuggled up in something warm and sipping a hot drink of some sort
False, it only means a lot of new shows I'll miss, until they rerun them..
TPBM has Heroes Season 1 on DVD and is going to get season 2 and some Battlestar Gallactica season's also!
False, but dang it, I'm jealous of all the orchid shows everyone's getting to attend. I have to wait until late in February for the Orchid Society of Alberta show in Edmonton...
TPBM has roses and passion flower plants living in their garage for the winter.