Too much light for newer phrag growths?

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Aug 24, 2023
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Idaho, USA
I'm still figuring out the balance for how much light my phrags need, and of course knowing they can differ greatly individually, I am watching the plants themselves for signs of stress as I now grow primarily under LEDs. My question is, on newer growths as they get bigger and reach more light, I'm seeing paler color toward the center of the leaves on a couple of my plants (Phrag Chuck Acker and Phrag Coral Jewel). Should I back it off a touch? I have struggled giving enough light in the past so I am probably likely to grow on the opposite edge of light needs now. I want blooms! I feed K-lite every other week or so and flush with RO every 1-2 days in the meantime. If I'm on the outer edge of light requirements should I feed a touch more than that? The Coral Jewel especially, a schlimii hybrid, seems super sensitive and burns leaf tips easily so I don't want to overdo it. Both are kept moist and have wet feet. See pics (Chuck Acker is first):
Try not to notice the dust on my Coral Jewel 🤪
Maybe... If you are using a complete fertilizer (with micronutrients), check your pH.

If my plant looked like that I would not be concerned. It is fine.
Take your plant out in sunlight to evaluate the color and lightness. LED light always shows misleading color.
If you feel like the plants are not as healthy with foliage closer to the lights consider reducing the hours the light is on to reduce the DLI (total light energy received by the leaves).
Nutritionally the slight paleness between the veins could be a sulfur deficiency. Easy way to test that is to apply magnesium sulfate.
Good to know! I may try adding some. Forgive my true beginner-ness... so like, Epsom salt? Or do they sell magnesium in bags at the plant nursery?
Take your plant out in sunlight to evaluate the color and lightness. LED light always shows misleading color.
If you feel like the plants are not as healthy with foliage closer to the lights consider reducing the hours the light is on to reduce the DLI (total light energy received by the leaves).
Excellent ideas, will do! Thank you.
Maybe... If you are using a complete fertilizer (with micronutrients), check your pH.

If my plant looked like that I would not be concerned. It is fine.
K-lite is supposed to be complete and include micronutrients, I just may not be using enough.
I'm glad to know a more experienced grower wouldn't necessarily be concerned at the color!
Sunlight updated pics. They look better than I thought (I think?). You can still see lighter green toward the center of new leaves.
Phrag Chuck Acker:
Phrag Coral Jewel:
And I threw in my Phrag Eric Young for good measure. It's been kept lowest light of all of these:
I would not be terribly concerned with the look of these. However i really push my light levels quiet bit. As long as the new growths are similar in size and are not getting smaller or more narrow, i dont worry much about the light under leds. Of course i don't want to burn anything.

How are the newest growths compared with the older ones size-wise? That might give you some insight into whether or not you are stunting the phrags with light.
I would not be terribly concerned with the look of these. However i really push my light levels quiet bit. As long as the new growths are similar in size and are not getting smaller or more narrow, i dont worry much about the light under leds. Of course i don't want to burn anything.

How are the newest growths compared with the older ones size-wise? That might give you some insight into whether or not you are stunting the phrags with light.
Thank you for this! The Coral Jewel division has some earlier new growths that are slightly leggier than the original ones- I think my light was originally too low. Now they seem decently fat and happy and comparable to old growths it came with. I will keep an eye on how they grow out though!