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Wanting Cyp. arientinum

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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:rollhappy::rollhappy:Hi my name is Roderick and for a science fair project I'm going to flask cyp. guttatum, pubscens, reginae, and possibly arientinum. I posted this thread to ask for arientinum seed. I would be happy if someone would tell me who to contact or if you would be able to supply me with a seed pod.:poke:
with it's rarity, I don't know if you will have too many people speaking up,..... maybe someone will have some on private property and will be willing to pollinate a whole bunch of flowers and get you a pod
My memory is a bit fuzzy, but isn't this one (yeah, even seeds) illegal to transport across state lines? Or maybe just certain states, I'm not sure.
OK, I checked the cyp vendors I know of, Gardens at Post Hill, Cyp Haven, Hillside Gardens, Itasca, Vermont Ladyslippers, Spangler Creek, and Raising Rarities, only Raising Rarities had arietinum listed and they're sold out. They, along w/ Spangler Creek also sell guttatum or guttatum hybrids.
arientinum Question

Don't any of the seed companies sell any arientinum seed that you know?:clap:
Roberts Flower Supply just sent out their fall list and he doesn't have any for sale. He does have it listed as a species he is still "playing around with".

PM me your e-mail address and I'll forward the e-mail to you.
What i have heard is it is legal to have arientinum in N Dak. especially on my reservation the government is very lenient, so do you know if anyone will be able to send me seed.