Well-Known Member
Try this: http://www.anbg.gov.au/hort.research/zones.html I found it on this page: http://treesandshrubs.about.com/od/treeshrubbasics/tp/worldhardinesszones.htm which might be helpful to people in other areas of the world.
Thanks Kevin
Based on the Australian classification Canberra is a Zone 2. But then relative to the US system it starts at 7b. So I'm not sure if that makes it an 8. It gets down to around -8oC during winter in anycase.
"This hardiness zone map from the Australian National Botanic Gardens represents a modified version of the USDA zones, because, as the website says, "This is because Australia, in winter, is much warmer than most of North America in winter, so the lowest US zones aren't needed. All of Australia (excluding Macquarie Island) is covered by just over four US zones (7b to 11). To make the map more useful to Australians I have created 7 zones to fit our climatic range, and used metric units."