Yes, just the width of the toothpick kept the slit open...very small slit. I used the whole toothpick stuck horizontally through the slit. The purpose
of the toothpick is to keep the small slit open. Your visualization is probably
far more complicated than actual procedure. The toothpick sticking out of
the slit on both sides helped hold the sphag. in place while I wrapped the
Saran Wrap around it and put twist ties at both ends of the sphag. to hold it in place. The whole thing took about five minutes and the hardest
part was the damn Saran Wrap sticking to itself and everything it touched.
Oh yeah, Paphmadman, the mother plant had a very long stem with a
very small growth on the end. If there was a node, I didn't see it and
I didn't use any rooting compound either. The poor mistreated plant
just wanted to live. Oh, I started this in mid-spring when I thought it
was time to start putting out new roots...or just luck.
Eric, if you were me, would you leave the air layered plant in sphag. a bit longer or
transfer it to the potting medium I intend to use...Orchiata mixed with a bit of sphag.?