In the 90th meeting, Mr. Matsuoka presented some qualitative study of different media on root growth of P. micranthum, and the best one was bark:akadama:kanuma(the yellow-stone)=1:1:1. And Dr. Tanaka commented that kanuma isn't bad. So there are a couple of photos of plants in Kanuma, which you saw in the 93rd meeting.
I can't get the details, but the ranking of the media in Mr. Matsuoka's P. micranthum experiment (9 month long) is:
He wondered that slightly acidic kanuma and akadama might be the reason of positive effect, and whether this might be applicable to the other brachy/parvy.
Eric, Akadama is clay pellets. It eventually breaks down (unlike kanuma). I vaguely remember that when I was a kid, my parents and I were using 100% akadama for orchids (mostly Cym.), but I don't remember well (30 years ago). It is neutral to slightly acidic, but I think it is not as acidic as kanuma. So it is more general purpose material for a wide range of plants than acidic kanuma. Also, akadama retains water longer than kanuma. There are also yaki-akadama (baked akadama), which doesn't break down as easily as the normal akadama. I haven't personally seen akadama in the US, but from the description of other people, I have a feeling that akadama in the US and Europe may be the baked kind.
Here is some info:
It says "It is surface mined, immediately sifted and bagged", but this is not correct. The mined clay/loam gets dried for a while, then crashed into smaller pieces, then sifted to difference sizes.
Thanks Naoki. Is akadama the same as aliflor? Eric- how was the store? Haven't been there in ages. Had wanted to go this vacation, but chemo knocked me out the first few days.
I'm not sure how aliflor compares to akadama. But I'm guessing that aliflor is much harder (rock like) than akadama. I hope you are feeling better now, Eric.
Thanks...feeling fine now. Eric- the one further down is on Mulberry and sells pots. Or are you talking about that small place between mulberry and Mott just above the park? I love that orchid store on Centre near Grand.