All of them are digged out from wild and will die.So called" nursery" will kill all plants and sp. will extinct forever.I don' t understand: these plants are growing there in forests.Why don' t they use collected seed-pod for breeding.Maybe they should start a project to set back young plants into the wild.
Berthold , I forbid you to write racially hereYes, many Vietnamese are painless and ruthless. They are not so interested in their nature.
Cypripedium subtropicum seedling can you by in Germany.All of them are digged out from wild and will die.So called" nursery" will kill all plants and sp. will extinct forever.I don' t understand: these plants are growing there in forests.Why don' t they use collected seed-pod for breeding.Maybe they should start a project to set back young plants into the wild.
All of them are digged out from wild and will die.So called" nursery" will kill all plants and sp. will extinct forever.I don' t understand: these plants are growing there in forests.Why don' t they use collected seed-pod for breeding.Maybe they should start a project to set back young plants into the wild.
Yes , You are very famousDo not lie please.
I stand with Berthold on this. These are wild plants that do not survive in culture. Responsible culture would involve seed pods only and the progeny raised would maybe be growable. As far as his comment on Vietnamese people, I do not believe he was speaking “racially,” as Vietnamese is a nationality and not a race. The race would be “Asian.” And all he’s really saying is that poor people anywhere will exploit their resources. It is we who are to blame by creating and maintaining the hungry market for such plants.
These are wild plants that do not survive in culture. Responsible culture would involve seed pods only and the progeny raised would maybe be growable.
I do not believe he was speaking “racially,” as Vietnamese is a nationality and not a race. The race would be “Asian.”
Did you buy the plants ?
Do you have evidence or is it just a Claim ?
No I did not buy these illegal poached plants and no I do not find the statements made herein you be racist. I would say the same to a German or British grower. The fact is that these plants are only sourced from vulnerable wild populations.
Racial harassment means that someone is bothering you, threatening you or treating you unfairly because of your perceived:
place of origin
ethnic origin
The Ontario Human Rights Code