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a good many african jewish people are from ethiopia (and many are christian jews), and there are others supposedly from all corners of africa

also want to add wishes for a happy hanukkah :D
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Aaahhhh Lanmark, you made me cry with your

sweet music. I haven't heard the lullaby since I was a
child and my mother and grandmother sung it while rocking me to sleep. I don't remember the words, but I
have lovely memories of the tune. Thank you.
Tonight, after sundown when Shabbat has ended, we will light five candles.


Thank you.
:) You're welcome. The point of this thread was not to proselytize but to honor and celebrate some wonderful cultural traditions. I'm glad this has touched your heart. :)

The following story from Oak Park, Michigan is being reported today by the Associated Press. I find it heartwarming:

"OAK PARK --- Congregation Beth Shalom is continuing its annual practice of placing a Christmas tree inside the Oak Park synagogue to welcome the homeless of various faiths.
The Detroit Free Press reports Saturday that the synagogue allows clients of the South Oakland Shelter to use its kitchen, classrooms and Youth Lodge through Monday as churches that participate throughout the year in the program are busy with their own activities over the Christmas holiday.
Shelter executive director Ryan Hertz says volunteers at Congregation Beth Shalom "really step up" and that the Christmas tree makes a big difference to the homeless staying there.
There has been debate as to whether the tree violates ancient Jewish laws, but Rabbi Robert Gamer says "it's about respecting others and their traditions."

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On the evening of the 25th we will light six candles. :)


Happy Hanukkah and Merry Christmas to you all!

I hope no one will take offense at this song. It always makes me chuckle.

thanks for posting this song!
it's been running through my head all day!

my roots are ashkenazi too
but my dad went to a sephardic shul
my dad's folks and my ma's ma came over from russia
my ma's pa came from romania
all early 1900, i think
Reporter Hanna Saunders of tv station WILX in Lansing, Michigan gives us the following story:

Christmas Day Becomes Mitzvah Day For Local Jewish Community
Congregation Shaarey Zedek was crowded Christmas morning with people packing their trunks with 1,200 cookies and other treats. Although Christmas fell on a day of Hanukkah this year, 40 members of the Greater Lansing Jewish Community gathered for a day of Mitzvah, or good deeds for the community. Member Erica Holman organized the event: "The Jewish community recognizes how hard it is to be away from your family on a major holiday. We just felt like giving back to the community to just make them feel as important as we think they are."

The group split up and and stopped at the police and fire departments of Lansing, East Lansing and Meridian Township to drop of brightly-colored packages of assorted cookies to workers.

Sargent Susan Baylis held her family time on Christmas Eve. She worked on Christmas Day 5:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. "It can get a little lonely," she explained about holiday shifts. "It's nice to have people from the community appreciate us."

The team volunteered to pick up shifts at Lansing's Ronald McDonald House for those who had Christmas plans. They also made a special stop at a local shelter to provide everything needed for a big Christmas dinner. They already plan on hosting their second Mitzvah Day next Christmas.
This evening, Monday the 26th, we will light seven candles. :)


You wouldn't post the Mr. Hanky song also? When my youngest was about 5 or so, he really loved the South Park episode with Mr. Hanky. He even said he wanted to eat a lot of fiber on Christmas Eve, so Mr. Hanky would come. So I went out and bought a giant tootsie roll. I shaped it somewhat, carved a smile at one end and stuck in 2 tictacs, and drew eyeballs on them...put a little Lego hat on it, and slipped it under his pillow. He was very surprised....after the initial look of horror on his face, he was so happy.
You wouldn't post the Mr. Hanky song also? When my youngest was about 5 or so, he really loved the South Park episode with Mr. Hanky. He even said he wanted to eat a lot of fiber on Christmas Eve, so Mr. Hanky would come. So I went out and bought a giant tootsie roll. I shaped it somewhat, carved a smile at one end and stuck in 2 tictacs, and drew eyeballs on them...put a little Lego hat on it, and slipped it under his pillow. He was very surprised....after the initial look of horror on his face, he was so happy.

Sad to say I've searched but can't find a version suitable for this forum. I'm afraid this one goes far enough to likely be deemed offensive by one or more of our esteemed members here. :eek: The Southpark creators really push the envelope and challenge boundaries, so to speak, which endears them to my wild and radical heart in no uncertain terms. :clap:
This evening at le coucher de soleil (sunset) we will light all of the candles as we commence the last of these huit jours (eight days). :)


Thanks to everyone for indulging me in this my little on-line Hanoucca celebration. I come from a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural background. One of my goals in making this thread was to help promote understanding and a sense of community amongst all members of Slippertalk. Thank you and yasher koach to everyone who took part by reading this thread, commenting or sharing a little bit about their own heritage or Hanukkah celebrations. Shalom :)

This song isn't exactly relevant to the season, but I feel it represents a closure of sorts as well as a new beginning with hope for a bright future. :wink:

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