My inventory resides on my laptop, not on a server in the 'cloud'. Simple Excel spreadsheet, though now I am using Open Office version of Excel.
In theory, I could link from the spreadsheet to a Word doc with pictures, but I never bothered. I use multiple folders, in a tree hierarchy, to store photos. In many ways the photos are more useful than long written descriptions.
A simple spreadsheet can be sorted on any column. My spreadsheet has columns for inventory number, Genus, species, parentage, clonal name, date purchased, source (who), source (how; seedling, division, meristem, etc), status (reserve, okay to sell, evaluate, needs to grow, etc); & final column for notes
Because I can sort on any column, I can find a quick list of things that might be ready to sell.
Down side. Keeping an inventory current. Once you have enough orchids that you can't remember everything you need to know about your plant, you also have so many that you don't have time to keep an inventory current.
But I try.