isaias m rolando said:Yes sir, it makes a big diference to use the pollen or PK as mother plant. Mr Decker has both because CJM orchids did both flasks. There are no "mistakes " here. The plants do not look like boisserianum or caudatum var wallisi...and the flowers for sure are truly kovachii hybrids...
Perhaps it could be more interesting for you to know that CJM Orchids has Phrag hybrids growing in their collection since 1996, when the Int Orchid Shows in Lima and some presentations in Miami area (Redland), Los Angeles, New York and other cities in the US. All these years the selection of Phrag hybrids were legally imported to Peru. You can ask INRENA about these importations. There are records of them.
If anybody is willing to offer a diferent version for legal stock of PK and legally imported and exported Phrag Hybrids has to prove it. There are no other legal importation for Phrags, according to INRENA data on Phrag Hybrids, requiring CITES II documents at Lima airport. CJM Orchids is the only bussines with all Phrags (species and hybrids) growing in legal conditions.
I think you completely missed the point of my question. And I think Ron probably has the answer. Is this kovachii x St. Ouen or St. Ouen x kovachii?