Paph Season 2023

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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It was registered 20 years ago but I had never seen a picture of one so I decided to make my own with blackjack and hookers. I finally saw a pic of one from Australia yesterday and I'm sure there will be plenty of turds but I'm willing to sift through them to try and get a good one. Parvi x roth crosses are mostly terrible but people love them anyway 😂
It was registered 20 years ago but I had never seen a picture of one so I decided to make my own with blackjack and hookers. I finally saw a pic of one from Australia yesterday and I'm sure there will be plenty of turds but I'm willing to sift through them to try and get a good one. Parvi x roth crosses are mostly terrible but people love them anyway 😂
A note for future breeding: If it was registered 20 years ago and there are no pictures, that tells you everything you need to know about the cross.
Is your Fanaticum still alive? You said you kill everything (or does everything dies sound better? lol) other than multis?
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Don’t you have someone who does well with parvis in your society? That’s a very nice & dark Fanaticum.
No, I'm the only serious Paph grower.
Dang~ that's tough. lol
Luckily, we have some paph interest in our small group but we are all city dwellers with very limited space. can only grow so many you know. Multis are least favored due to space issues 😁 But it is definitely nice to have some people with similar interests.
Sigmatopetalum can be a pain that way.
I find sukhakulii and curtisii take their sweet time opening their buds.

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