Well-Known Member
Everytime I look at this it gets better!!! Excellent blooming!!!
Thank you everyone!
Yes, it's got two leads now. WooHoo!
It's in a location that doesn't happen to get shaded by the shade cloth. So, it gets some shad until early afternoon, then it's in full sun (underneath two laters of greenhouse plastic, which must cut out at least a little bit of light. However, it's VERY bright where this plant has been growing.
Yup. It's in a 6" plastic, basket or net pot.
Yes. The flower is fully open now. The dorsal sepal is not as wide and round as in past bloomings. But, I did repot it when the bud was just emerging from the leaves; so, perhaps that affected the development of the dorsal growth?
I did not know this species grows on trees in situ. Huh? Cool! So, it seems that through trial and error, I managed to figure out that growing it like an epiphyte is what it really likes/needs. 'Glad I didn't kill it in the process of learning what to do. It's really happy now; so, I'm looking forward to it finally being able to clump and producing more than one flower at a time in future years.
I use 1/2 filtered horticultural grade perlite (no dust) and 1/2 small CHC. I'm guessing in a regular pot, not a basket, this species would also like s/h. 'Worth a try.......if you have an extra piece to risk.
Thanks again everyone.
Dot, I'd think that my plant gets a higher incidence of cool nights. Perhaps they don't like too much cool and damp; but, warm and damp is okay?
I didn't see your temperatures, may I ask what temps you grow at