Oh, Phrag color and lighting.
Pete has shown us his great LED indoor lighting setup. There is no standardized light for orchid color determination (or photography). Sunlight spectrum varies throughout the day as the sun moves, and observed (and photographed) flower color can vary.
I have only one Phrag. Jason Fischer, a cross between two confirmed tetraploid parents (Memoria Dick Clements ‘Rocket Flash’ x besseae ‘Rob’s Choice’ AM/AOS). While my plant might be tetraploid, it isn’t guaranteed. Orchids Limited was awarded a 93-point FCC for a plant from this cross in January 2020, with a 10.5 cm horizontal natural spread. The indoor award photo is shown in the following link:
My plant from the cross has become two healthy plants through division. I have had seven flowerings between the plants but have never had a horizontal spread greater than 9.0 cm. Here is a picture of a flower taken outside at the beginning of September 2024 in morning indirect sunlight.
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Next is a picture with the same camera of a current flower against a black background in my plant room under an LED panel set for 5000K color temperature.
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I believe there are subtle differences in petal configuration between the two flowers, but the color hues are noticeably different to me. Lighting and backgrounds influence the colors we perceive both directly and in photos.